Client-Focused, Results-Driven, Fearless
for Over 20 Years
English v. Lo (Housing Rights, Premises Liability)
Won Settlement re. Landlord Failure to Abate Mold

Allegations: Landlord’s defective roof repairs blocked roof drainage, caused water accumulation on roof; leakage thru roof-level window into ceiling, walls, floors; carpet saturation; mold; tenant asthma, property damage.
Ribotto v. Graystone (Civil Rights)
Won Trial re. Landlord Marital Status Discrimination Allegations: Landlord refused to allow master tenant to live with domestic partner.
In re. K. (Landlord-Tenant, Civil Rights)
Won Dismissal of Eviction re. Domestic Partner
Allegations: Landlord refused to allow master tenant to live with domestic partner. (Settlement included landlord's adoption of non-discriminatory policy.)
In re. E. (Landlord-Tenant, Housing Rights)
Won Dismissal of Eviction re. Illegal Rent Increase
Allegations: Landlord retaliated against tenant (for complaining about flooding, lack of flood abatement) by increasing rent to market rate.
In re. R. (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Dismissal of Eviction re. Damage to Building
Allegations: Landlord retaliated against tenant (for complaining about discrimination) by falsely accusing tenant of vandalism.

Montoya v. Arthulia (Premises Liability)
Won Settlement re. Injuries Caused by Gate Malfunction
Allegations: 1500 lb. gate at Peralta Hacienda Historical Park malfunctioned, Oakland City worker crushed.

OccupyOakland Vigil Co-Creator (Civil Rights)
Vigil provided participants with a permitted 24/7 presence in front of Oakland City Hall after camp forcibly removed.
OccupyOakland Legal Committee (Civil Rights)
OccupySanFrancisco Legal Committee (Civil Rights)
Committees worked to highlight police misconduct, protect camp and participants.
Sheehan v. City of Oakland (Civil Rights)
Prevented Imminent Termination of Whistleblower
Co-Founded Save Sean Gillis Committee
Allegations: City of Oakland retaliated against Oakland Fire Department Paramedic Sheehan Gillis, EMT-P for whistleblowing re. treatment of Oscar Grant by responding paramedic(s).
Ramondetta v. Kawakami (Premises Liability)
Won Settlement re. Carbon Monoxide Exposure
Allegations: Landlord failed to repair and maintain heaters, dirt blocked exhaust, carbon monoxide vented into apartment, tenant poisoned by carbon monoxide, tenant collapsed on cement stairs and suffered injuries.
Ingram v. East Bay Restaurant Supply (Civil Rights) Won Settlement re. Belief/Religion Discrimination
Allegations: Employer refused to provide for observation of Sabbath.
Doogan v. Arntz (Civil Rights)
Fought Pro Bono For Union
Allegations: Politician’s statement false and misleading (re. Prop K, in Calif. 2008 Official Voter Info. Pamphlet).
In re. G. (Civil Rights)
Blocked Police Department Record Demand
Florida police department demanded San Francisco gay adult movie production company “admit or deny” employment records for one of its police officers.
In re. L. (Civil Rights)
Won Settlement re. Sexual Harassment in Silicon Valley Allegations: Silicon Valley startup and its wealthy backer harassed sole female employee. (Exposed and challenged “one incident free pass” judicial prejudice that ultimately provided immunity to backer for his role in harassment).
In re. F., (Housing Rights, Premises Liability)
Won Settlement re. Bedbug Infestation
Allegations: Landlord treated bedbug infestation floor-by-floor, allowed bugs to avoid treatment, jeopardized father’s custodial rights.; QAC Anti-Displacement Coalition Co-created both organizations to highlight “worst gentrifiers and displacers.” Successfully defended when award recipient Karen Uchiyama sued for defamation.

“Chris & Ben” Landlord-Tenant, Housing Rights
Won Settlement of Market Rate Rent Increase/Eviction
Allegations: Landlord who caused Harvey Milk to close camera shop weeks before murder sought illegal rent increase (to market rate) from similar tenants at very moment of worldwide release of Sean Penn movie
Milk—The Story of Harvey Milk.

Du v. Shu Suhwa Lee aka Judy Lee (Landlord-Tenant) Won Settlement for Self-Help Eviction
Allegations: Landlord moved into tenant’s apartment, blocked doors with garbage, failed to perform repairs, threatened deportation of complaining tenants (to China).
In re. Chesar (Landlord-Tenant)
Prevented Future Eviction by Properly Completing Tenant Estoppel Notice
Allegations: Client’s first attorney (well-known SF housing attorney) also acting as real estate agent for the landlord!
In re. Ward (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Settlement of Eviction, Buyout
Allegations: Master tenant and landlord conspired, fabricated non-payment eviction in order to exclude subtenants from buyout.
In re. B. (Civil Rights)
Won Settlement of Sexual Harassment Charges
Allegations: Elderly gay male professor faced sexual harassment charges by female student. (Though I generally represent sexual harassment complainants, here, I felt the professor was the victim.)
In re. W. (Landlord-Tenant, Housing Rights)
Won Settlement of Retaliatory Eviction
Allegations: Landlord brought eviction in retaliation for tenant opposition to condominium conversion application.

In re. Kip & Nicole Macy (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Settlement of One of the Macy Cases
Davis v. Al-Gazaly, Postal Civil Rights
Won Settlement for Landlord Hate Crime
Allegations: Landlord’s property manager yelled anti-gay slurs at, burned (with cigarette) gay male tenant.
Pichay v. Leyson (Civil Rights)
Won Settlement for Landlord Sexual Assault
Won Dismissal of Landlord Suit for Defamation
Allegations: Landlord sexually assaulted immigrant woman living in “housing” in basement.
In re. Z. (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Dismissal of Eviction re. Commercial Use
Won Settlement for Wrongful Eviction, Harassment
Allegations: Landlord falsely claimed tenant “converted apartment to commercial use” by storing pans for catering business in apartment.
In re. Fox Plaza (Housing Rights)
Won Acceptance of Rent Subsidy
Allegations: Landlord Fox Plaza refused to process the Section VIII subsidies of several tenants.

Eliason v. Knop (Housing Rights)
Won Trial for Habitability Violations, Mold
Allegations: Dept. of Bldg Insp. Inspector declared this the “worst apartment I have inspected in my lengthy career.”
Renault v. Poisson et al. (Civil Rights, Housing Rights)
Won Domestic Violence Restraining Order
Won Settlement for Related Landlord Harassment
Allegations: Master tenant battered subtenant; landlord attempted to use subtenant’s restraining order to evict subtenant from apartment.

Robinson v. Altamont,Mission Housing (Housing Rights)
Won Settlement of First Building-Wide Representation
(31 Total Clients, Most Participated in Settlement)
Allegations: One of first modern bedbug cases. My work helped educate landlords and lawyers re. nature of bedbug infestations (defective conditions/management; NOT tenant hygiene/bathing practices) and feasibility of bedbug litigation (work copied by other lawyers in subsequent bedbug cases).
Huston v. Glaser (Civil Rights, Housing Rights)
Won Settlement for Renting to Domestic Violence Perp.
Allegations: Landlord rented to known batterer of existing tenant, failed to protect victim.

Benfield v. Anselmo et al. (Civil Rights, Housing Rights)
--Won Settlements For Six Female Tenants For
Sexual Harassment by Landlord, Habitability, Burglaries by Handyman
--Won Judgment For Seven Tenants re. Retaliatory Lawsuit Filed by Landlord
—Won Appellate Judgment re. Appeal of Judgment on Retaliatory Lawsuit
In re. H. (Housing Rights)
Won Settlement of Eviction re. Medicinal Plants
Allegations: During early period of decriminalization and legalization of medicinal plants, landlord sought to evict tenant landlord believed selling medicinal plants.
Grosvenor Properties, Ltd. v. Greff (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Settlement of Eviction After Master Tenant Death
Allegations: Elderly retired repairman faced rent increase to market rate after death of roommate of many years.
In re. Doe (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Settlement of Eviction for Nuisance, Insobriety
Allegations: Landlord brought eviction after reports of tenant insobriety. (In this case, I was able to reach a settlement that avoided a judgment and lessened the chance of an eviction record, negative credit inference.)
In re. C. (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Settlement of Eviction for Nudity
Allegations: Schizophrenic tenant faced eviction for “nudity in building.” Settlement included accommodation.
Francis of Assissi Community (Mercy Housing) v. Telfor
and related matters (Landlord-Tenant, Civil Rights)
--Won Trial of Retaliatory Eviction; Won Settlement
--Exposed Judicial Prejudice in Suit, Pro Bono Appeal Allegations: Mercy Housing brought retaliatory eviction after paraplegic tenant complaint re. failure to evacuate paraplegic tenants during serious building fire. (We won eviction trial. We were largely unsuccessful in our suit for retaliation, harassment, however, due to patent judicial bias in favor of the Catholic Church.)
Kiyabu (Jornack Corp.) v. Spaulding, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant, Civil Rights)
Won Settlement of Evictions of All Transgender Tenants in Building And Suit For Discrimination
Hicks v. Gordon, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant)
--Won Dismissal of Owner Move-In Eviction by Asst. D.A.
--Won Settlement of Suit for Wrongful Eviction
--Asserted Right to Intervene in Landlord’s Suit Against City re. Eviction Control Measure
In these matters, I represented a man who will forever be an inspiration to me. John received an eviction notice from his landlord, pink slip from his employer, and diagnosis of fatal blood disease all in the same week. He courageously fought back. John picked up his phone, called me, won dismissal of his eviction, won settlement for wrongful eviction and harassment, stayed in possession of his apartment, and, from there, took charge of his health and lived for many years.
In re. Hart (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Settlement of 1st Capital Improvements Eviction
In re. Siegel (Housing Rights)
Protected Tenant’s Right to Have Pet(s), Dog(s)
In re. Puertas (Civil Rights)
Won Approval of Caregiver Roommate in Spite of Roommate Prohibition in Lease

In re. 4038 17th Street (Civil Rights)
Stopped Demolition of Victorian at 4038 17th Street
DiBono v. Deaton (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Settlement Eviction re. Associating With Homeless
Allegations: Landlord claimed tenant providing sleeping shelter to homeless persons and that constituted nuisance.
In re. Love Every Animal (Animal Rescue)(Civil Rights)
Won Withdrawal of Eviction Notice for Animal Shelter
Won Settlement for Harassment
Allegations: Landlord engaged in extreme harassment against animal welfare org.—removing exterior wall to unit, digging trench to block access to premises, pouring dry cement over back yard garden, arson, freezing locks. (Settlement allowed LEA to expand, relocate.)
Catholic Charities v. O’Dell,Related Matters(Civil Rights)
Won Reversal of Order Restraining Use of Service Dog
Won Settlement for Discrimination, Harassment
Allegations: Catholic Charities sued disabled tenant, obtained order barring tenant from using doctor-prescribed service dog.
Clark v. H.J. Friedman, (Civil Rights)
Won Accessible Parking Space For Elderly Woman
Won Settlement for Discrimination, Harassment Allegations: Landlord reassigned tenant’s accessible parking space in order to force tenant to move from rent-controlled apartment.
Cardel v. Si Nos Dejan (Housing Rights)
Won Judgment in Second* Wrongful Eviction Re.
Failure to Reside in Unit After Owner-Move-In Eviction
Allegations: Tenants evicted as part of real estate scheme involving then-sitting San Francisco Superior Court Commissioner. Seller cheated of $100,000.00 by agent’s sale to commissioner and immediate resale. Tenants evicted with fake owner-move-in eviction by new owners who then failed to reside in units. (*by address)
Thompson v. Davis Paul Management, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant, Housing Rights)
Won Withdrawal of Eviction No. re. Breaking, Entering
Won Settlement, Buy Out For Harassment
Allegations: Landlord locked tenant in courtyard, attempted to evict tenant forced to break into building.

Donelan v. Tull, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Buildingwide Settlement of Ellis Act Evictions
Won Settlement for Habitability Violations, Retaliation
Publicized Effect of Gentrification on Artist Community
Allegations: Longterm tenants of Castro (incl. Iconic Artist Gerard Donelan, partner, cat) faced Ellis Act eviction for TIC conversion of bldg by local Businessman William Tull.
In re. Tally (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Withdrawal of No., Fourth*Owner-Move-In Eviction
(*by address)

MacCreadie v. Quaranta, Related Matters
(Landlord-Tenant, Civil Rights)
Won Withdrawal of No., Third* Owner-Move-In Eviction
Won Settlement For Retaliation, Harassment
Allegations: Landlord attempted fake owner-move-in eviction; lost eviction; retaliated against tenant by installing television in basement just below tenant living room floor loudly “on” 24/7, leering at tenant thru glass door from tenant deck, vandalizing tenant garden, defecating in hall. (*by address)
Cherry v. Rosenthal (Landlord-Tenant, Housing Rights)
Won Judgment, First Wrongful Eviction Re. Landlord's
Failure to Reside in Unit After Owner-Move-In Eviction
Burradell v. Sacks, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant)
Won First Owner-Move-In Eviction Trial
In re. Dupree (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Withdrawal of Notice in First Eviction re. Alleged “Master Tenant Profiteering”
Taylor v. Diaz, Taylor v. Olivares (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Dismissal of First & Second* Ellis Act Evictions
(*by address)
Belous v. Guenette, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant)
Won First San Francisco Trial
Won Settlement for Malicious Prosecution
Allegations: Terminally ill tenant’s landlord (SFPD Officer) promised to take rent voucher from nonprofit, then refused to process and attempted to evict tenant for nonpayment, served eviction papers on Christmas Eve! I won the trial (landlord dismissed own case at opening statement), sued landlord and attorney for malicious prosecution of tenant, inhome care provider. Tenant died before trial, but care provider won settlement.

Fraige v. Largent (Landlord-Tenant) Won Dismissal of First Eviction re. Alleged Unauthorized Tenant Improvements Allegations: Reknowned Local Playwright Charles Largent faced eviction for allegedly converting loft apt into theater.
Latus v. Scherpf, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant)
Won Dismissal of First Eviction re. Unauthorized Cat
Won Settlement for Landlord Retaliation, Harassment
Allegations: Landlords served eviction notice in retaliation for tenant complaints about defective roof repairs, flooding (1” standing water in bedroom).
Orloff v. Welborn, Related Matters (Landlord-Tenant) Won Dismissal of First “Unauthorized Sublet” Eviction Won Settlement of Malicious Prosecution Allegations: MD intern (tenant) rented apartment from girlfriend’s father. When intern ended relationship, father attempted to evict—claiming roommate unauthorized. I filed motion for judgment, landlord dismissed own case.
Antonia Manor v. Pennington (Landlord-Tenant) Won Settlement of First Non-Payment of Rent Eviction
Mak v. Dingle (Landlord-Tenant) Won Dismissal of First Eviction re. “Habitual Late Rent”
Armendariz v. The Sharper Image (Civil Rights) Won Settlement for Race Discrimination in Employment
DeLauro v. Barcelino (Civil Rights) Won First Wage/Hour Claim at Labor Commissioner Won “Appeal Denied” When Employer Appealed Allegations: Employer claimed employee stationed at one-person kiosk was supervisor (exempt from overtime).
State v. Lakeman et al. (Civil Rights) Helped Win Acquittal of “Nieman Marcus Nine” (Animal rights activist case; served as research attorney)
Staten v. Superior Court 45 C.A.4th 1628
Won “Appeal Denied” Supreme Court Petition for Review
Associate Attorney (1996-1997)
--Lead Counsel, “Real Nash Bridges”
(Invasion of Privacy—Theft of Identity, SFPD Officers)
Won Settlement
--Lead Counsel, Horsford v. CSU (Fresno)
(Civil Rights, Race Discrimination in Employment)
Work Contributed to Yr 2000 $3,000,000 Verdict
--Lead Counsel, "UPS Discrimination Claims”
(Civil Rights, Race Discrimination in Employment)
Work Contributed to Three Multiple-Plaintiff Suits
--Lead Counsel,“Genentech Race Discrimination Claims”
(Civil Rights, Race Discrimination in Employment)
Won Settlement
Legal Writer (1995-1996)
National Employment Lawyers Association
Created Appellate Brief Databank
Attorney Apprentice (1994)
University of Oregon School of Law Civil Clinic
Oregon Bar Association Apprentice Attorney Program
Eugene Legal Aid Society Housing Clinic
Won first trial!